In October 2022 Dopravní podnik Bratislava, a.s. gradually put into operation a fleet of a total of 63 new city low-floor diesel buses of the Czech manufacturer SOR Libchavy.
All these newly delivered vehicles are equipped with a comprehensive information system from the BUSE co. BUSE thus continues its successful cooperation with Dopravní podnik Bratislava, a.s. in the delivery of a modern information system reflecting current trending requirements for modern information systems in European public transport.
LED Destination signs display both full colour (RGB) line number and full colour (RGB) destination as well. The front RGB LED sign sized 24x176 points utilises the maximum possible width of the front glass. One of the novelties in informing passengers was the implementation of dynamic display of information about departure from the final station used on both the front and side signs in accordance with current Slovak legislation for rolling stock. Inside the vehicle, passengers are informed using internal ultra-wide LCD displays, which inform passengers about traffic information and at the same time serve to provide up-to-date information about transfers to other connections in real time, inform about vehicle delays, how long the vehicle will be at the next stop, passengers are informed about every traffic change, possible exclusion.
As part of the newly delivered SOR NS12 buses, a solution of 37" double-sided LCD displays was used for the first time, compared to the 29" LCD displays used so far.
The information system also includes an on-board control computer, a command receiver system for the visually impaired people, a camera system and an automatic passenger counting system with subsequent evaluation of the number of passengers on the given routes. Passenger check-in using both bank cards and regional transport cards is already standard. If necessary, all the updating of individual peripherals in the vehicle is carried out remotely.